Apps for the hireable iOS dev portfolio

How to build apps with tech that employers seek


150 USD

+ 2 weekly live classes
+ Self-pace video and text content
+ All source files
+ Access to the courses slack channel
+ Figma files and design assets
+ Practical, actionable advice

What you will learn?

Build your portfolio with high quality apps that showcase your skills. We will look at job posts and build several apps to meet the technical requirements employers want you to have. At the end of the course, you will have a portfolio of apps with code that you understand and can explain in technical interviews.


I'm an iOS engineer currently working at Utkonos - a sizable FoodTech and e-grocery delivery app with thousands of customers.

I combine my 10 years of experience in education, my experiences as a self-taught career-changer, and all the iOS industry and Swift programming experience I have gained to help you learn and grow as an iOS developer yourself.

Johan Delgado

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